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This alternate Lego Star Wars Acclamator build could save you £500

Who needs the UCS Venator when you’ve got this alternate build?

A model of the alternate Lego Star Wars 75404 Acclamator-class Assault Ship build next to the original ship's box.

Thinking of buying Lego’s Star Wars Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser 75367? As impressive as this massive set is, you might want to put that transaction on hold for a minute, and save yourself £500 with this alternate Lego Star Wars Acclamator build.

Admittedly, Lego’s Star Wars Acclamator Assault Ship 75404 is a teensy bit smaller than the UCS Venator, but it’s still an awesome alternate build, and it’s a superb representation of the Republic’s Clone Wars-era star destroyers. Even better, if you’ve purchased the Acclamator, it doesn’t require a single extra piece – you’re ready to go.

The build is the work of builder Wurger Bricks, who’s uploaded the instructions to ReBrickable. It will cost you $6.99 for the PDF, but given the work that’s gone into nailing the look, we think it’s worth the asking price.

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Posting on Reddit, Wurger Bricks explained that they did think about combining two Acclamator sets, which would have still made it a lot cheaper than the UCS Venator’s £559 RRP. They stuck with one set, coming up what they describe as “a stubby version of the Venator”. It’s true that this model isn’t slightly squat compared to the UCS, but consider the price difference that’s a trade-off we can live with.

You can purchase the instructions for this Lego Star Wars Acclamator Assault ship alternate build at Rebrickable, and buy the set itself from Lego.

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