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Lego Minifigures Series 27 is out and some retailers are getting sneaky about scanning

Lego Minifigures Series 27 71048 are out now, but it might be trickier to find the one you want.

Lego Minifigures Series 27 71048, a girl reaching for all the figures.

Lego Minifigures Series 27 71048 is out in the wild, featuring 12 new minifigures to collect. And, as was the case with the Lego Dungeons & Dragons minifigures, they have a QR code you can scan to find out just what’s inside. Or can you? Because, as spotted over on Reddit, some retailers have started obscuring these QR codes.

These Lego Minifigure ranges are supposed to be blind boxed. But from Series 26 onwards, you could take out your Android phone, fire up the Minifig Scan app and, by pointing your camera at the QR code, be shown what’s inside. Granted, Lego would likely prefer people bought in bulk, but it’s a good way of snagging a complete set, without breaking the bank.

Some retailers, however, have wised up and taken measures to prevent this. Reddit user StarWarsFever posted an image from a US-based Barnes & Noble store where price stickers had been placed over every QR code. Other Redditors replied with similar tales, suggesting this practice is happening elsewhere.

Why do this? You might think it’s so that Lego fans who are after a full set would have to spend more. But one comment raises another possible reason for this practice.

“Told one of the staffers who was stocking books and their response basically boiled down to ‘yeah, we know. It’s to keep from only having the ones no one wants,'” Redditor Rathgood remarks. We can well imagine that. As cool as these minifigure ranges are, there’s often one or two figures that are just so-so.

It also makes it harder for scalpers, who purchase the less common figures and put them on eBay for inflated prices. In theory, the figures should be evenly distributed. But scanning our own DnD bounty, we found that the Dragonborn Paladin was by far the rarest.

Here, courtesy of Brickset, is a list of every minifigure in this series.

  • Wolfpack Beastmaster
  • Pirate Quartermaster
  • Steampunk Inventor
  • Pterodactyl Costume Fan
  • Bogeyman
  • Jetpack Racer
  • Cat Lover
  • Longboarder
  • Astronomer Kid
  • Cupid
  • Hamster Costume Fan
  • Plush Toy Collector

Whatever your plans, the Lego Minifigures Series 27 71048 are available now, both in stores and via Lego.com.

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