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Lego unveils two new Sonic the Hedgehog sets and gives us Super Shadow

Super Sonic and Super Shadow, the ultimate team-up.

Lego Sonic the Hedgehog, two sets, the LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog: Super Shadow vs. Biolizard 77003 and LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic’s Campfire Clash 77001 sets.

There are two new Lego Sonic the Hedgehog sets on the way, including a minifigure of Super Shadow, everyone’s favourite powered-up goth.

We’re still waiting on a 2,000 piece game-accurate Death Egg Robot, but these new Lego Sonic the Hedgehog sets are pretty cool. And unlike the former set, which exists only in our heads, they’re actually pretty affordable.

The first set is LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic’s Campfire Clash 77001, which has Sonic taking on G.U.N. Beetle and G.U.N. Hunter. Typical, you sit down to roast some marshmallows and then evil robots just turn up to ruin your fun. For buiders aged 7 or over, this set contains 177 pieces and is priced at £17.99.

The other is pricier, at £39.99, but there’s more to it. Dubbed LEGO Sonic the Hedgehog: Super Shadow vs. Biolizard 77003, the set is made up of 419 pieces, rated for builders aged 9 or over. It comes with Biolizard, a character that first cropped up in Sonic Adventure, alongside minifigures of Super Sonic and Super Shadow.

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Unlike the earlier Lego Ideas Sonic the Hedgehog set, which was largely for display, Lego’s new Sonic range are meant to be played with. Both come with a launcher letting you put the figures within a sphere and fire them at the bad guys.

So when can you get your hands on these sets? They might scream Christmas present, but they’re not arriving until January 1st 2025, and they’re currently not available for pre-order. But if you are after a Sonic-themed present, check out this awesome-looking Lego Sonic the Hedgehog Egg Drillster set, which launched recently.

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