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An 1822-piece Lego Classic Batmobile has been revealed, and it looks incredible

Holy take our money, Batman!

Lego Icons 76328 Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile

Update 4th September: Lego has officially unveiled the Classic Batmobile. We’ve updated the article to reflect what we now know as fact. We’ve also ensured the images we’ve used are official.

Are you ready for a new Batmobile? Of course you are. And you’re going to love this one. Originally uncovered by Instagram user fateful_lego and shared via Reddit, the Lego Classic TV Series Batmobile has been officially revealed by Lego. And it looks absolutely fantastic.

The Lego Classic TV Series Batmobile will be available in stores from 1st October. It’s made up of 1,822 pieces and it will cost £129.99/$149.99 Is it just us, or does that sound very reasonable for an 1,822 piece set?

It comes with a Batman minifigure and a UCS-style placard that provides information about the set. The Batmobile has a fully-formed interior, complete with seats, steering wheel and gadgets, and the boot pops up to reveal storage space inside.

This isn’t actually the first Classic TV Series Batmobile we’ve had from Lego. We had the same car back in 2021, but the difference is that one was much smaller. It’s a fantastic design, with a striking black-and-red colour scheme. We can’t wait to see it blown up to a bigger scale.

Related: The best Lego Batman sets ever released

1st October is only a few weeks away, so it won’t be long until you can get your hands on this fantastic-looking set. Pre-orders are open on Lego.com now too, so you can secure your purchase right away.


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