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A Record-Breaking 35 Sets Have Made it into LEGO Ideas’ Next Review

Results will be announced in early 2021.

The LEGO Ideas review panel have their work cut out for them this time around. A record-breaking 35 sets have garnered enough votes on Lego Ideas to have made it into the next round of reviews.

There are some truly excellent sets, too, including lots inspired by popular movies or TV series. There’s a Community set, in the same vein as the Friends or Big Bang Theory studio sets we’ve already seen. And there’s the house from Pixar’s UP, which is just delightful. There are also a couple of videogame-inspired sets, including Nook’s Cranny from Animal Crossing: New Horizons and an obstacle course from Fall Guys.

But it’s the unique builds, inspired only by the builders’ imaginations that have caught our attention. Here are a few of our favourites.

Zen Bonsai by BrentWaller
Seasons in Time by BrentWaller
Sheriff’s Safe with Combination Lock by Il Buono
The Mountain Windmill by Hanwasyellowfirst

The results will be announced early in 2021. We’ll soon get the results of 2020’s first review (which included the Tesla Cybertruck, Knight Rider, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and more).

You can see the full list of sets up for review on the LEGO Ideas website.

Which sets from this current LEGO Ideas review wave would you like to see?

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