LEGO Has Teased a New Friends Set Featuring Monica’s Apartment
No, not LEGO Friends – the other Friends!
Could we BE any more excited?
Over the weekend, LEGO put out a very teasing tweet, showing an imagine of an as-yet unannounced set. The text simply says “The one with…”, and the image very clearly shows the inside of Monica’s apartment from Friends.
The scene it paints is from a Thanksgiving episode in season 10, ‘The One With the Late Thanksgiving’. If you’re a Friends fan you’ll have undoubtedly seen it; Monica and Chandler host Thanksgiving dinner, but everyone turns up late, prompting them to get locked out of the apartment. Cue the iconic scene where Joey, Phoebe, Rachel and Ross all stick their heads through the gap in the door.
That’s the scene that’s been recreated with LEGO here:
Further details of the set are as yet unknown, but we can expect an announcement soon. As LEGO tweeted to fans begging for more details: “Stay tuned for more info!”. When LEGO drops teases like this, an announcement (and often release) is usually imminent, so we’ve no doubt we’ll have more information by the end of the week.
But just what will the set entail? Will it just be Monica’s apartment? Will we also get Joey’s apartment across the hall? We can only guess at this point, but we’re excited to see more. Let us know what you think by commenting below.