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Win an Antique LEGO Toy From 1937 in the Latest VIP Sweepstakes

It’s a one-of-a-kind piece from LEGO’s history.

Fancy owning a piece of LEGO history? Well, with the latest VIP Sweepstakes you can. Up for grabs is an antique Wooden Toy Elephant, made around 1937.

It’s a one-of-a-kind piece that tells the story of LEGO’s inception. Before the brick came about, LEGO made wooden toys; the company’s founder, Ole Kirk Kristiansen, used his skills as a carpenter to create a range of children’s toys. In 1937 – around the time the Elephant pull-toy was made, Ole Kirk’s son, Godtfred, also joined the business and started creating his own toys.

The Wooden Elephant Toy up for grabs in the LEGO VIP Sweepstakes isn’t a replica; it’s an actual toy made by the Kristiansen family in the 1930s. As such, there can only be one winner. It’ll be presented in a sealed display case to keep the toy safe. It comes with a LEGO Originals print (which can also be purchased separately with VIP points).

Each VIP member can enter a maximum of 50 times, with each entry costing 50 VIP points. The sweepstake is open until 4th April, so if you fancy your chances of winning this unique piece of history, don’t miss out.

Oh, and if you’re interested in finding out more about LEGO’s history, you can do so here.

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