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From today, the Lego VIP program has become Lego Insiders

Lego VIP is now Lego Insiders, bringing new perks with it.

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Are you a Lego VIP member? From today, your membership has changed: you’re now a Lego Insider member. Thankfully, your current perks and rewards remain the same – but the Lego Insider program is adding some new, interesting ones.

You’ll still earn points for each purchase you make in the Lego store and at Lego.com, equalling roughly 5% of the purchase price. And you can still use those points to buy new sets, redeem exclusive gifts and enter sweepstakes.

The change is to bring certain Lego accounts into one central place. If you had separate logins for Lego Life magazine, Lego Ideas and other Lego apps, they’ll all now be in the same place

But the main new feature that Lego Insiders brings – and one we’re rather stoked about – is the ability to register your sets. By scanning the QR code on the front of a Lego instruction booklet, that set will be registered to your account – and you’ll earn 20 VIP points. It means for every 40 sets you own/scan, you’ll earn £5 worth of points.

OK, it’s not a huge amount, but it’s a nice little bonus that we didn’t have before. It essentially means that every new set you buy going forward will give you any points you earn from the purchase plus a bonus 20 points when you open it up and scan the instruction booklet. It also means there’s a small amount of points available from any set that you buy from third party retailers.

So far, there’s no way to see a database of the sets you’ve registered, but we wouldn’t rule out new features like that in the future. Lego says it will currently use the information of your registered sets to tailor communications, i.e. to stop marketing sets you already own at you.

You can find out more about Lego Insiders by clicking here, and if you’re not already a member, sign up.

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