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LEGO Wants You to Vote on a Classic Theme to Bring Back for its 90th Anniversary

Voting is open now.

LEGO 90th Anniversary

2022 will mark the 90th anniversary of LEGO as a company. To make the occasion, the company wants to bring back one theme from the past as a single product. What theme will it be? Well, that’s up to you.

Published on the LEGO Ideas blog over the weekend, LEGO is inviting you to vote on your favourite classic LEGO themes. Ultimately, the theme with the most votes will get brought back to life.

The vote will be held in two parts. The first vote is open now, allowing you to choose up to three of your favourites from a list of 30 classic themes. It’s open for a week, closing on 25th January. From there, a second fan vote will open up on 3rd February. This vote will pit the top three themes against each other, and the winner of this vote (which will close on 10th February) will be the overall winner.

The themes run from the more obvious – Trains, Pirates, Town, Classic Space – to more niche ones that only true LEGO fans from days gone by may remember. There’s Black Falcons in there, Imperials, M-Tron, Spyrius and more.

You can get a glimpse of each theme by clicking here to visit the LEGO Ideas blog. If you want to place your vote, click here. Presumably, we’ll know the winner on 10th February. But we likely won’t see the 90th Anniversary set until 2022 or towards the end of this year. We’re intrigued to see who’ll come out on top.

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