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LEGO’s Collectible VIP Coins Are Back in Stock – But They’ll Cost You

Want all five coins? You’ll need to make five separate purchases.

Last year, LEGO fans hurried to collect a set of coins that were made available for VIP members. They sold out in a matter of minutes, much to the dismay of many collectors who missed out. But today, LEGO has made them all available again. But at a price.

Head to the LEGO VIP Rewards Center and you’ll find all five coins available, priced at 1,150 VIP points each. That equates to roughly £8, though you can’t buy them using actual money. You’ll need VIP points, which you’ll have earned by purchasing LEGO. There’s also a collectible coin display case available, costing 700 points (around £4.50).

However… you can’t simply redeem a VIP reward and have it shipped out to you. Spending your VIP points on a reward will give you a code which can be redeemed on your next LEGO order. So, to actually receive a LEGO reward, you need to make another purchase. Even though, technically, the reward is for shopping at LEGO in the first place.

The biggest catch here is that you can only redeem one VIP reward code per transaction. And so if you want to claim all five coins and their display case, you’ll need to place six orders on LEGO.com. All within 60 days, too, since the codes expire after that time.

That leaves you two options. You buy six cheap items on the store – maybe a blind minifigure bag for £3.50? – and stump up six lots of postage. Postage will cost you £4, so that’s £7.50 per order, six times over. £45 just to claim your “free” rewards.

The other option is to spend over £50 each time to get free postage. But six lots of at least £50? If there are genuinely that many expensive things you want to buy, great. But otherwise you’re looking at spending £300 on LEGO you don’t necessarily want just to redeem some collectible coins.

This is a really bad look for LEGO. Why not make an option to buy all coins together? Or simply let us redeem multiple VIP coins at once? After all, to earn the 1,150 points needed to buy just one of the coins, you’ll have already had to spend around £150 at LEGO to begin with. These aren’t loyalty ‘rewards’ at all; they’re simply an excuse to get us to spend more money.

That said… the collectible coins are likely worth having if you care about value or investment. Following their release last year, individual coins have sold on eBay for up to £50 each, making them a worthwhile investment. It’s likely they’ll be worth even more in a couple of years. If there’s plenty of stuff you want to buy on LEGO right now, then great. But if you simply want the coins, you’ll have to stump up additional costs.

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