This new Bouquet of Roses set lets you say it with Lego
One of the best-looking Lego Icons Botanicals set to date, this Bouquet of Roses set is impressively realistic.
Just in time for Valentine’s day, Lego has unveiled its new Lego Icons Botanical Bouquet of Roses set, which is just the perfect thing to show your appreciation for the loved one in your life.
We’re not just saying that so we can laugh ourselves silly at people being in the doghouse on Valentine’s Day. Honest. In fact, we’re sure there are people out there who’d be okay receiving this set. Just.. make sure you think it through first.
Valentine’s Day shenanigans aside, this is a pretty excellent set and, priced at £54.99, it’s not going to be break the back. It’ll stick around longer than real roses, too. It’s made up of 822 pieces and is recommended for builders aged 18+. So, we’d expect it to take an afternoon or so to build.
While you’ll have to provide your own vase, you get twelve roses for your money. It takes a good few seconds before you realise that what you’re looking at is Lego, they’re that convincing. The smaller white flowers look as if they’ll be a little fiddlier to put together but it’s a small price to pay for such an awesome looking set.
You can order the Lego Icons Bouquet of Roses set from January 1st, via the official Lego site.