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Get a ‘Mystery Gift’ When You Spend More than £170 on LEGO This Week

It’s worth £13.49, apparently.

A mystery gift, you say? That’s what LEGO is promising at the moment, to anyone who spends more than £170 in-store or online between now and 5th October.

We’re very intrigued – and since we’ll undoubtedly be spending the value of our internal organs on Friday thanks to the ridiculous amount of new sets launching – chances are, we’ll be finding out exactly what this ‘mystery gift’ entails.

Since the minimum spend is £170, we’d expect the free gift to be something of decent value. However, the smallprint on LEGO’s promotions page suggests the item is valued at £13.49. Interestingly, that’s the RRP of a BrickHeadz Pets set, amongst others. Could it simply be a retail set (or a choice of retail sets), or a specially-created free gift? And if so, will everyone get the same?

If you happen to pick up the Mystery Gift in the next few days, do let us know what it is by commenting below!

Update: Despite originally stating the Mystery Gift would be available until 5th October, it seems it’s been withdrawn early.

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