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Lego Botanicals 10329 Tiny Plants springs up in time for Christmas

Lego’s newly announced Lego Botanicals 10329 Tiny Plants has one plant that gives us a Little Shop of Horrors vibe.

Lego Botanicals 10329 Tiny Plants

Lego has announced that its already excellent Lego Botanicals collection is getting a new edition, the Lego Botanicals 10329 Tiny Plants set and one plant in particular is giving us Little Shop of Horrors vibes.

As the name suggests, the set contains plants that are.. wait for it.. tiny. But these aren’t just your regular run-of-the-mill garden or household plants, cool as that would be.

Instead, this collection features rainforest plants, desert plants and even carnivorous plants. There’s a Venus Fly Trap in there but the set also includes the equally cool (and lethal, if you’re a fly) Pitcher Plant and sticky Red Sundew.

If you buy this set, here are all the botanical gems you’ll get:

  • Jade Plant
  • False Shamrock
  • Laceleaf
  • Red Sundew
  • Venus Flytrap
  • Pitcher Plant
  • Succulent Cacti
  • Prickly Pear
  • Pincushion Cacti

The set is made up of 758 pieces and is rated for builders who are 18 years or older. It’ll be priced at £44.99 which is a surprisingly reasonable price for all these little Lego plants you can dot around your house.

Sure, the Venus Fly Trap does look a bit like Little Shop of Horrors’ Audrey, whereas the actual plant has multiple smaller traps but we are still sorely, sorely tempted by the Lego Botanicals 10329 Tiny Plants set.

You can pre-order now from Lego’s site and the set will ship from December 1st.

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