LEGO Launches ‘Build and Talk’ Program to Help Parents Talk to Children About Online Safety
LEGO has announced ‘Small Builds for Big Conversations’, a program that’s been designed to encourage parents to talk to their children about online safety.

LEGO has announced ‘Small Builds for Big Conversations’, a program that’s been designed to encourage parents to talk to their children about online safety.
Small Builds for Big Conversations is part of LEGO’s Build and Talk initiative, where brick-based activities allow for an accessway into difficult conversations. This one is specifically about teaching children to be safe when they’re on the internet.
There are a number of activity packs available, each with a number of challenges. Aimed at children between the ages of six and ten, the idea is for parents and children to build models together that represent various elements of online safety.
There’s the Coin Guzzler, for example, to represent the dangers of in-game purchases, and The Meanie, to signify online bullying and trolling. Other activities centre around other elements, such as managing screen time, phishing, online strangers, and privacy.
The onus is, of course, on the parent to initiate these important conversations with their young children, but LEGO’s tools should hopefully make approaching them a less daunting prospect. Find out more here.
If you’re a parent, you can find LEGO’s Build and Talk materials and activity packs here. They’re all free to download – but you’ll have to supply your own bricks, of course.