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This Lego Starfield Frontier could become an official set

Want to get your hands on a Lego model of Starfield’s Frontier ship? Then lend your support to this awesome Lego Ideas submission.

Lego Starfield Frontier Idea Set

Want a Lego version of Starfield’s Frontier, the game’s starter ship? If all goes well, you get your hands on just such a model, thanks to one particularly creative Lego enthusiast. They’ve submitted their Starfield Frontier design to Lego Ideas, which gives fan-creations the chance of becoming real, official Lego sets.

Crafted by georgep148 an impressive creation for sure. Their other submissions have included Frasier’s apartment, from the series of the same name, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and more. But it’s this design in particular we’re hoping becomes a reality.

Once a Lego Ideas design hits 10,000 supporters it’ll be reviewed by Lego’s own team though, of course, that’s no guarantee it’ll get the nod. But several Lego Ideas submissions, such as this Sonic the Hedgehog set, have become official sets.

In this case, Lego would need to put their heads together with Bethesda who would also need to give their approval. This Lego Horizon Forbidden West set is fantastic but you can bet there was some serious lawyering going on before that got signed off on.

Georgep148 hasn’t said how many bricks they use though,potentially, it’d be affordable than another awesome but massive fan-creation. They’re also not the only Starfield player to render the Frontier in Lego. This design appears to be digital but there’s also a different, physical model on display on Reddit.

So how can you help this become a reality? If the idea of flying the Frontier around your living room (or just landing it on a shelf) appeals to you, you can support the idea here. Fingers crossed, a year or two from now we’ll be paying silly money to build this gem.

(This article has also been published at our gaming-based sister site, Gamespew)

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