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2021’s First LEGO Ideas Review Results Are Coming in Hot Tomorrow

With 57 to choose from, just what will make the cut?

Update 14/10/2021: LEGO has delayed the results until Friday 15th October. So, once again, the results are coming in tomorrow. Original story follows below.

Tomorrow, we’ll get word on what the next LEGO Ideas sets will be. The first review of 2021, which featured a whopping 57 ideas, has come to an end, and tomorrow the results will be made public.

In our original article, we picked out some of our favourite sets, including a brick-built Tutankhamun bust, a recreation of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and a glorious model of the house from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. With 57 sets to choose from we’re not sure how the fine folks at LEGO are going to decide. But we’re looking forward to seeing what the decision is.

Hopefully, more than one set will make the cut; it’s not unusual for LEGO to choose two or more sets from a review. And with so many, it feels more likely than ever. But there are still five approved Ideas sets still to come, so the Ideas team is already incredibly busy.

Those five sets are:

It’s likely Home Alone will be out before the end of 2021, with the rest releasing throughout 2022.

We’ll have a new post tomorrow once LEGO has revealed the results.

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